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Understanding the Impact of Sugar And Alcohol on Skin Health.

The Road to Recovery.

Post-Christmas indulgence can leave us feeling bloated and tired, impacting our skin. This is mainly down to the extra sugar and alcohol we all consume over the Christmas period (usual staring from early December). Excessive sugar and alcohol intake can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. This, in turn, disrupts the normal functioning of hormones, like insulin, triggering an increase in sebum production. The excess sebum, combined with inflammation, can clog pores and contribute to acne breakouts. Moreover, the breakdown of collagen, a structural protein, is accelerated by sugar consumption, resulting in skin dryness and dullness. It generally takes about four weeks for the skin to recover because this is roughly the time it takes for the body to replace damaged skin cells and regulate sebum production. During this period, adopting a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and practicing a consistent skincare routine can help restore skin health by reducing inflammation and promoting collagen synthesis.

Now let's understand the term "JANUARY BLUES" and debunk the myth it's down to the weather. The January blues is down to the significant drop in sugar intake after the Christmas period. A drop in sugar levels can affect mood and energy levels, contributing to a sense of lethargy and low spirts commonly experienced in January. So what can we do about it? To help counteract the impact of excess sugar and alcohol, consider adopting a skin- friendly diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and hydration. Incorporate fruits, vegetables and water into your daily routine to replenish essential nutrients to help improve sugar levels and promote skin regeneration. Look at it as the perfect time to prioritise self-care and embrace radiant skin. Taking care of your skin through proper skincare routines and incorporating SPF not only shields you from harmful UV rays but also becomes a mindful act of self-love. The commitment to a skincare routine reflects a dedication to your overall well-being, fostering a sense of self-care that extends beyond mere aesthetics. Embracing this practice not only nurtures the health of your skin but also contributes to a sense of well being. SPF protection safeguards your skin from harmful UV rays, preventing premature ageing and potential skin damage. By investing time in your skin care, you not only embracing your physical appearance but also cultivating a mindful and nurturing relationship with yourself fostering a holistic approach to self care.

Here's to a year filled with glowing skin and self-care!


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