Devine Skin & Laser Salon

Apr 13, 20203 min


Well, what a week… My emotions have been all over the place. My energy levels have been low and my get up go went somewhere earlier in the week and hasn’t come back…

Luckily, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous and this has been my saving grace. The garden is definitely my safe space and when I am out pottering, my brain stops whirling around and my anxiety levels drop. Usually, I don’t get the chance to be out there every day. It has been a treat to see the garden spring into life with buds turning into gorgeous blossom, the leaves opening and glowing in the sun, the sound of the different birds singing and the sight of the different butterflies. This really is a blessing.

It is a good job that I haven’t been seeing anyone and that you can’t see me…

I have not styled my hair for weeks, I have just washed it and left it to dry naturally. Well, a lot of you may not know this but my hair is natural curly… When my boys first saw my hair left natural their reaction was “ WTF – have you done to your hair”. Nothing I say, absolutely nothing. (My boys are 21 & 18, and it’s the first time they have seen me without straight hair). Ha ha

Not sure whether I have had the virus or not. I have not felt unwell but seem to have lost all sense of smell and taste… Normally, this would be a concern but being in lockdown with four dogs, three adult males who have turned into full cavemen and think daily showering is not necessary as they are not going anywhere, I am ok with it. EVERY CLOUD… Ha ha

So how are you all coping? Please get in contact and let me know how your all doing. I have been thinking of you loads and missing seeing you all so much. I didn’t realise that my work was my counselling and my sanity. Talking to you all every day is something I took for granted. Please remember that I am still here for you all to have a moan, chat and giggle with…

I have been busy this week creating an online shop. You will be able to buy ALUMIERMD and SPA FIND Products and also the lovely Satin Pillowcases (stops the sleep lines). This should hopefully be up and running this week.

I am also still offering online consultations to help you with your at home skincare routine while you are not able to have your regular salon treatments. This is a good way to maintain the work we have done from your regular salon treatment and keep your skin looking and feeling good. Click here for more info.

Thank you to all of you that have been in touch this week. Thanks, also to those of you that have ordered products and to all of you still paying for treatments that you cannot have. This has helped me financially and emotionally more than you would ever know. Your messages have been uplifting and emotional, your loyalty and kindness continues to blow me away. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Remember I am here for you. Please stay well, stay safe and stay in touch…

Happy Easter to you all.

Alison xxx
