Devine Skin & Laser Salon

Jan 11, 20213 min

Lockdown 2021 - Week Two

Boom into the new year or should I say pause!

Hopefully that is all this is... a "pause" until we can get back to some kind of normality. I don't know about you, but I have been having the hardest time getting out of bed and motivated.

Working for yourself , you have to be self motivated, energised, inventive, creative, flexible and jack of all trades. Especially this last year to try to keep my business going and earn some kind of income! I set aside 2 hours a day to give myself goals and try to map out this year so I can adapt my business... but honestly it is hard. It has been tough to make decisions about the year to come, when there is still a looming shadow that could hold back many plans. How long will lockdown last? At what point will things start to go "back to normal"? Will we ever go back to " normal"? Is it realistic to hope I'll earn some kind of income this year? Lots of unknowns and its feels kinda scary.

So I reminded myself, there has been some positives in this sh*t storm of a year...

  1. My husband has been doing the food shopping! I have not set foot in a supermarket for nearly a year and I can honestly say "I don't miss it" It also an added benefit of getting my husband out as he is working all day in his study not seeing anyone (apart from Zoom meetings). So I am doing him a favor too.🤣😂🤪WIN WIN

  2. My eldest son has been bringing me coffee in bed every morning. I am loving this and do not want it to stop. (I hope he reads this ). So this also means I am so happy that Uni's are closed.

  3. The boys have also been cooking once or twice a week. Having dinner cooked for me has been bliss.

  4. I get the chance to go on long walks (never have time for this when I am working). It's so lovely being out in the fresh air and seeing the views. What I found amazing is the same views change so much with the weather conditions. So even in the rain it has been worth going out.

  5. I have had time to start clearing out. Got a skip! I am going to be ruthless with all the clutter and cr*p we have collected over the years. It's amazing how much rubbish you keep. Feel like I have achieved something, and my house and mind are clearer.

  6. Burnt all my old business paperwork from over 7 years ago. Wrapped up out in the cold with a fire burning and hot berry juice reminder me of our time at Lapland. Brought back great memories that make me happy.

  7. I have had time to tidy up my garden . Amazing how many flowers are starting to bud. I would never get the chance to see this usually.

  8. I have finally had time to catch up on Box sets, I had so many on my list and loving sitting down with a Gin and binge watching. This is great for switching off my worried mind.

So enough about me, how about you? How have you been doing with this Lockdown? This time it feels a lot more scary to me! Is this the same for you? I would love to hear from you all. Funny or sad stories of lockdown, please share. Please also remember I am still here for you. My salon doors may be closed but I am still here at the end of the phone with a listening ear. Whether it's for skincare advice or just a moan or chat, I am here... Please just call or email me.

On that note, I am going to sign off now. NO MATTER WHAT LIFE THROWS AT YOU THIS YEAR... I know you've got this. 💖

Stay Safe, Stay well and above all stay in touch.

Alison xxx
